Thursday, July 15, 2010

What is a landing page?

What the heck is a  landing page?   If you have been working on setting up a home internet business this is a real question.  There seems to be many different terms for this particular page.  Some call it a squeeze page. some call it a n optin page. Some call it a landing page and still others call it a lead capture page.  The truth is they are all the same.

To the beginners it can create a lot of confusion.  The best way to look at this page is that this is where you are presenting 2 things to your future customer.  The first and probably most important i the product or service you want them to look at.  The second is you want them or make a request to see or receive it by them giving you their name and email address.  These are both very important but the name and address are your life blood of your internet business.

The suggestions available from the coaches and gurus are always slanted to the product they are promoting to create these all important pages.  the thing to remember is that the idea for any beginner is to keep things as simple as possible the ol' KISS principle .  It is very easy to get sold on the more complicated ways of creating theses pages that in the long run just slow  down the process of making a living on line.

There is one book I have found that makes this page creation as easy and simple as possible. I would like to make it available to every one for free with the only responsibility being that after you have read and used the book that you make a comment about how it worked for you.  This can be done here  on the blog or through and email to me at

Here is the  ebook resource that is yours to use and give freely.

Yours for many successes,

Daniel Silver

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