Friday, December 31, 2010

Grab this rebrandable report for instant-commissions...

I got this email below from Rob Toth. He wrote and
released the Money Now Report not long ago.
AND... his same free report can be re-branded
and given away as a viral instant-ca*sh

You should read his stats below. Might want
to download and re-brand a copy for yourself...

You can use it for lead capture
or as a giveaway product or as a bonus
anywhere you like and the links within it
you'll have custom affiliate links that can bring in
some passive income for you.

Here's a PART of his email...


Don't let it slip by. The thing works and it
has a viral aspect to it ... since it's
free and can be freely passed around.

Here are my stats with the report...

Roughly 3100 optins from promoting my
own page softly.

341 total referred RAP Bank users.

13 upgraded VendorPlus users.

The free users translate into instant-commissions
that get "passed up" to me. So free users
are DEFINITELY worth money.

The upgraded users translate into $47/month.

And I expect more of the freebies will upgrade
when they realize each month they're losing
clicks and sales.

I have 561 free clicks that were passed
up to me. (It's a beautiful thing!! Watch
that reach 10,000+ free clicks very soon).

I've been paid 7 commissions/sales for
products from RAP Bank that I've never even
heard of, let alone promoted. So the
"passive income" is already kicking in.
Might not seem like a lot... but I never
promoted, I never even SAW any of those
products. The instant-commissions just arrived
in my PayPal. And that's just 7 such sales

All from giving away an attention grabbing
report that talks of instant commissions.

No special magic or technique. Just giving
away the report.

And I give mine away behind an opt-in.
I know a couple of marketers just driving
traffic to their direct download page
instead. It's your choice.

Remember, the links in your viral instant-
commission report can pay out  $20, $37,
$39, $47/month, $72, $100, $175, $197 etc.


Skim that above and consider that each copy
has viral distribution abilities.

Let's face it, friends often pass around
copyrighted/paid for reports (illegally).
This one can be freely distributed so you
can be sure that it will end up in a LOT of
hands that will pass it around to other friends.

And that could be a copy of the report that's
branded with YOUR affiliate links.

Well worth looking at this especially since
optional graphics, webpages, promo tools etc
are all in place to help you give away more
and more copies of your own version of the
Money Now Report...

Daniel Silver

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