Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
"Exit Fire" will actually recycle your old visitors.
It's sad, but over 99% of the visitors who come to your website will NEVER buy.
But did you know, there is now a way to turn those people LEAVING your website into NEW targeted traffic!?!
There is a new (and for a limited time, FREE) service that just launched called "Exit Fire" that will actually recycle your old visitors and turn them into NEW visitors to your website!
You can get your free account here:
The coolest part about this software is it is VERY viral, so the more people you tell about the site, the MORE traffic will come back to your site!
There's actually a free video showing how you can get over 200k visitors PER DAY to your website using this simple system, check it out here:
So go get your account, and turn the people who are leaving your website into NEW traffic!
Dan Silver
P.S. - They just announced that they may start charging for this service in the future, so go and get your lifetime account (for FREE) today!
But did you know, there is now a way to turn those people LEAVING your website into NEW targeted traffic!?!
There is a new (and for a limited time, FREE) service that just launched called "Exit Fire" that will actually recycle your old visitors and turn them into NEW visitors to your website!
You can get your free account here:
The coolest part about this software is it is VERY viral, so the more people you tell about the site, the MORE traffic will come back to your site!
There's actually a free video showing how you can get over 200k visitors PER DAY to your website using this simple system, check it out here:
So go get your account, and turn the people who are leaving your website into NEW traffic!
Dan Silver
P.S. - They just announced that they may start charging for this service in the future, so go and get your lifetime account (for FREE) today!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What is a landing page?
What the heck is a landing page? If you have been working on setting up a home internet business this is a real question. There seems to be many different terms for this particular page. Some call it a squeeze page. some call it a n optin page. Some call it a landing page and still others call it a lead capture page. The truth is they are all the same.
To the beginners it can create a lot of confusion. The best way to look at this page is that this is where you are presenting 2 things to your future customer. The first and probably most important i the product or service you want them to look at. The second is you want them or make a request to see or receive it by them giving you their name and email address. These are both very important but the name and address are your life blood of your internet business.
The suggestions available from the coaches and gurus are always slanted to the product they are promoting to create these all important pages. the thing to remember is that the idea for any beginner is to keep things as simple as possible the ol' KISS principle . It is very easy to get sold on the more complicated ways of creating theses pages that in the long run just slow down the process of making a living on line.
There is one book I have found that makes this page creation as easy and simple as possible. I would like to make it available to every one for free with the only responsibility being that after you have read and used the book that you make a comment about how it worked for you. This can be done here on the blog or through and email to me at
Here is the ebook resource that is yours to use and give freely.
Yours for many successes,
Daniel Silver
To the beginners it can create a lot of confusion. The best way to look at this page is that this is where you are presenting 2 things to your future customer. The first and probably most important i the product or service you want them to look at. The second is you want them or make a request to see or receive it by them giving you their name and email address. These are both very important but the name and address are your life blood of your internet business.
The suggestions available from the coaches and gurus are always slanted to the product they are promoting to create these all important pages. the thing to remember is that the idea for any beginner is to keep things as simple as possible the ol' KISS principle . It is very easy to get sold on the more complicated ways of creating theses pages that in the long run just slow down the process of making a living on line.
There is one book I have found that makes this page creation as easy and simple as possible. I would like to make it available to every one for free with the only responsibility being that after you have read and used the book that you make a comment about how it worked for you. This can be done here on the blog or through and email to me at
Here is the ebook resource that is yours to use and give freely.
Yours for many successes,
Daniel Silver
Sunday, July 11, 2010
What is the Reality of Your Own Home Business?
This question is and will be asked multiple times by anyone that
tires to create a home business. There are hundreds of people saying
that this is one easy way to make a living and get out of the everyday
job. However once you begin to make this happen, a sudden wonder comes
over you. You must spend hours and days learning how to set up this
business and weeks to make the programs functional and then more months
to get your business found by the millions that are suppose to be out
there looking for it.
This is the reality of any business. The real justification for a home
business is the satisfaction of creating, nurturing and maintaining your
very own creation. The potential for tremendous wealth and satisfaction
exists in a home biz.
There are three things that any home biz person must keep in mind at all
1. The home biz takes a lot of time and effort.
2. The home biz requires persistence
3. The home biz can be very rewarding.
For the record, do not believe all the people out there promoting instant
riches with little or no effort if you use their system or coaching programs.
The saying "if it's too good to be true, it probably is not true".
The means and the opportunities are out there. You just have to find what
excites you and go for it. Never say never or it can't be done, because it has and will be done repeatedly by many many people. Some like me that just had to
work a lot harder to make a go of my home biz.
Daniel Silver
Search Books for internet business startup
tires to create a home business. There are hundreds of people saying
that this is one easy way to make a living and get out of the everyday
job. However once you begin to make this happen, a sudden wonder comes
over you. You must spend hours and days learning how to set up this
business and weeks to make the programs functional and then more months
to get your business found by the millions that are suppose to be out
there looking for it.
This is the reality of any business. The real justification for a home
business is the satisfaction of creating, nurturing and maintaining your
very own creation. The potential for tremendous wealth and satisfaction
exists in a home biz.
There are three things that any home biz person must keep in mind at all
1. The home biz takes a lot of time and effort.
2. The home biz requires persistence
3. The home biz can be very rewarding.
For the record, do not believe all the people out there promoting instant
riches with little or no effort if you use their system or coaching programs.
The saying "if it's too good to be true, it probably is not true".
The means and the opportunities are out there. You just have to find what
excites you and go for it. Never say never or it can't be done, because it has and will be done repeatedly by many many people. Some like me that just had to
work a lot harder to make a go of my home biz.
Daniel Silver
Search Books for internet business startup
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Traffic Getting System
Here is a really neat system to improve and enhance your traffic to your site. This is one of the real problems for all of us trying to make a go of our online marketing business.
Just listen to this short presentation and see what I mean.
Now if this has wet your appetite, then just click on the video or the link below and learn more about how to make the traffic find you and your sites.
Just listen to this short presentation and see what I mean.
Now if this has wet your appetite, then just click on the video or the link below and learn more about how to make the traffic find you and your sites.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Do You Need Easy & Affordable Email Marketing?
Email is the most direct and powerful method of marketing today. There are potentially millions of buyers willing to purchase your product or service. You will be mailing, using our one click web mailer which sends mail through our servers. You can advertise just about anything. You can advertise many businesses, products or opportunities.
Send your ad to over 2.3 million recipients with each blast. We provide everything you need, including the newest and fastest email server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools you need in order to design an effective email ad.
Pay once for a lifetime membership.
Get all our upgrades at no extra cost.
The Ultimate in Internet Marketing! Enjoy this super value by clicking this link.
Best Regards,
Dan Silver

#1 Rated System
One of the most efficient traffic producers online today.
Their lists are tightly managed and updated daily.
We highly recommend this service with no hesitation.

♦ Lifetime Membership ♦ No Monthly Fees ♦ No Spam Complaints
more info
Email Millions - Click Here
Send your ad to over 2.3 million recipients with each blast. We provide everything you need, including the newest and fastest email server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools you need in order to design an effective email ad.
Pay once for a lifetime membership.
Get all our upgrades at no extra cost.
The Ultimate in Internet Marketing! Enjoy this super value by clicking this link.
Best Regards,
Dan Silver
#1 Rated System
One of the most efficient traffic producers online today.
Their lists are tightly managed and updated daily.
We highly recommend this service with no hesitation.
♦ Lifetime Membership ♦ No Monthly Fees ♦ No Spam Complaints
more info
Email Millions - Click Here
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Starting a business takes time and patience
There are going to be so many business ideas that will come to mind, however, you will want to let go of all the silly ones and focus on the ones that you are passionate about and can make into reality. You will want to begin to build your own business slowly. It is important for you to go slow so that you can nurture it and help to succeed. Some companies fail because they grow too fast and then they can’t deal with the rapid change. You have to make a good start so that you are able to enjoy you time and your enjoy and see your company take off and make some real profits.
When it comes to getting started, you don’t want to take on a lot of work at once before you are able to learn how to manage the workload. There is a certain element of supply and demand in every business, so be careful to try to balance this aspect of your company. If your community, for example, has no child care program and many working parents, you can consider providing a baby-sitting service. However, although 20 mothers may call you about potential openings, you cannot closely and safely provide care for 20 or more children every day, at least not if you are the sole owner with no employees. Although you will really want to make as much money as possible, you will want to make sure that you do not lower the quality standards of your work. Once you are able to have a good customer base you can then raise the prices and create your supply and demand curves.
You will want to make sure that you have thought everything through before you open the doors to the business. Do lot of research on your customers and your competition in order to ensure your business will run smoothly. You may feel rushed for time, but by building your ideas slowly and therefore more thoroughly, your business is more likely to succeed. It may seem difficult, but it takes money to make money. You will want to make sure that you pay close attention to all of the details of the business and products or services. This is important so that your business can make a great start..
Lastly, you should think about the amount of money that you spend to start the business. You will only want to purchase things that you need right away. You will want to make sure that you have the room to store it all and that you start off on a small scale. You don’t want to get too far ahead in the investments that you are making. You will want to consider your costs before you start the business. You should always begin small and then slowly build the business up. You will find that you can create a strong foundation for the business when you go slowly and it’s hard to fail with s strong foundation.
When it comes to getting started, you don’t want to take on a lot of work at once before you are able to learn how to manage the workload. There is a certain element of supply and demand in every business, so be careful to try to balance this aspect of your company. If your community, for example, has no child care program and many working parents, you can consider providing a baby-sitting service. However, although 20 mothers may call you about potential openings, you cannot closely and safely provide care for 20 or more children every day, at least not if you are the sole owner with no employees. Although you will really want to make as much money as possible, you will want to make sure that you do not lower the quality standards of your work. Once you are able to have a good customer base you can then raise the prices and create your supply and demand curves.
You will want to make sure that you have thought everything through before you open the doors to the business. Do lot of research on your customers and your competition in order to ensure your business will run smoothly. You may feel rushed for time, but by building your ideas slowly and therefore more thoroughly, your business is more likely to succeed. It may seem difficult, but it takes money to make money. You will want to make sure that you pay close attention to all of the details of the business and products or services. This is important so that your business can make a great start..
Lastly, you should think about the amount of money that you spend to start the business. You will only want to purchase things that you need right away. You will want to make sure that you have the room to store it all and that you start off on a small scale. You don’t want to get too far ahead in the investments that you are making. You will want to consider your costs before you start the business. You should always begin small and then slowly build the business up. You will find that you can create a strong foundation for the business when you go slowly and it’s hard to fail with s strong foundation.
Deciding to start a business
Deciding to start a business
For those who long to be their own boss and make some profits you will find that there are tons of ideas that you can come up with to focus on the business on and market. You will be able to find the best course of action to starting your own business. You will find that there are many perks like being your own boss, making your own schedule, planning your own strategies, and you’ll be able to keep all the profits. There are plenty of people who you will meet and new exciting adventures and people. You will find that there are many important things to consider when you are writing your business plan. You will want to see if your business ideas are something that you can pursue. You will find that there are customers, other businesses, and even the demands of your own life that will determine if a business is right for you.
First, don’t be afraid to ask the general public (in the form of friends, family members, and neighbors) what they think about your idea. If there is resounding uncertainty, then you may want to rethink your plan. Also, you will want to ask yourself how much you think others will pay for your services or products or how often you will need the services. This will help you with your prices and focus on the demand part of the company. This can help you learn if it is financially feasible.
You will also want to get a better grasp on your finances. Remember, you can learn of their mistakes. There are lots of financial fees that you may not realize, such as licensing, employee benefits, and travel expenses. You may want to seek out the advice of others who run their business sin the community so that you can get an idea of how much the business is going to initially cost you. They also may be able to recommend services to you, such as business plan writing companies who can help you get your ideas onto paper.
Also, make sure that you ask yourself several times if this is really what you want to do. If your excitement for your service or product idea disappears after a week or two, then starting a business based around this idea will probably fail. Make sure that the time and money that you will put in the commitment will help you to see benefits, but also make sure that you are willing to put your time into the business since it could take at least two years before you see success.
When it comes to starting a business you will find that it is never easy. You will also want to keep in mind that the hard work and dedication needed for the business will take some precious time away from other aspects of your life. So many ideas or businesses fail before they even give it a chance. You should start your business if only you have carefully seen all of the advantages and disadvantages of owning your own business.
Dan Silver
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